
Saturday, October 12th

corb lund - Sat. 8:30-10:00PM
erik koskinen - Sat. 7:05-8:20PM
Mae Simpson - Sat. 5:40-6:55PM
the milbillies - Sat. 4:30-5:30PM
jillian rae - Sat. 3:20-4:20PM
drew peterson - Sat. 2:10-3:10PM
the high 48's - 1:00-2:00PM
corpse reviver - Sat. 10:50AM-12:10PM

AFTERPARTY! Sat. Oct. 12th

Caballo cosmico - Sat. 10:15pm
Visual vinyl liquid light show

Friday, October 11th

the big wu - FRi. 10:15-11:30PM
the white iron band - FRI. 8:30-10:00PM
poppa bear norton - 7:20-8:20PM
mark joseph - Fri. 5:55-7:10PM
joyann parker - Fri. 3:35-4:35PM
dellwood - FRI. 4:45-5:45PM
the star chiefs - Fri. 2:25-3:25PM
the 241's - Fri. 1:15-2:15PM

Thursday, October 10th

hundred year hall - Thur. 8:30-11:00PM
STEAM MACHINE - Thur. 6:00-8:00PM

*All set times are subject to change.